
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 25 Kunci Jawaban]

Berikut ini merupakan pembahasan kunci jawaban Buku Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas 8 halaman 25 Pembahasan kali ini kita akan bahas latihan yang ada pada buku paket Bahasa Inggris Halaman 25 Buku siswa untuk Semester I (Ganjil) Kelas VIII SMP/MTS. Semoga dengan adanya pembahasan kunci jawaban Pilihan Ganda (PG) dan juga Esaay Chapter II We can do it, and we will do it ini, kalian bisa menjadi lebih giat untuk belajar. Kunci jawaban ini diperuntukkan untuk para pelajar yang sedang mengerjakan tugas Kurikulum 2013 (K13). Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kls 8 Hal 25

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 25 [Kunci Jawaban]
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 25 [Kunci Jawaban]

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Halaman 25 [Kunci Jawaban]

Observing & Asking Questions
We will work in groups. We will write about three people in our class. We will tell what they can and cannot do in English, music, sports, housework, and others.

Here are what we will do. First, we will study the example carefully. Second, we will use the form below to write down what the three people can do and cannot do in the areas. Third, we will use the data to write about each of them. We will handwrite it or type it on a computer. Then, we will put our works on the wall of the classroom. We will answer questions from people who visit our works.

We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words and use the punctuation marks correctly. While we are writing, we will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will go to our teacher for help.

2. Brian
English: - Ask something, - Read novels in English , - English language courses.
Music: - Playing the pianica, - Singing English pop songs, - Singing the English version of Ku Menangis.
Sports: - Playing badminton, - Cycling.
Housework: - Baking bread, - Cooking eggs, - Cooking soup.
Others: - Painting, - Drawing anime.

3. Jessy
English: - Play language puzzles, - Read fiction stories.
Music: - Hearing anime songs, - playing the violin, - playing the piano.
Sports: - Swimming, - Yoga, - Mountain hiking.
Housework: - Putting puzzle pieces together, - gardening, - cleaning the house.
Others: - Driving a car.

4. Ryan
English: - Tell stories, - Ask questions.
Music: - Singing, - Singing metal songs.
Sports: - Running, - climbing, - rafting.
Housework: - Sweep, - Complete the game mission.
Others: - Practice horse riding.