
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 90 [Kunci Jawaban]

Berikut ini merupakan pembahasan kunci jawaban Buku Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas 9 halaman 90 Pembahasan kali ini kita akan bahas latihan yang ada pada buku paket Bahasa Inggris Observing & Asking Questions Halaman 90. Buku siswa untuk Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas IX SMP/MTS. Semoga dengan adanya pembahasan kunci jawaban Pilihan Ganda (PG) dan juga Esaay Chapter V Everybody is always in the middle of something ini, kalian bisa menjadi lebih giat untuk belajar. Kunci jawaban ini diperuntukkan untuk para pelajar yang sedang mengerjakan tugas Kurikulum 2013 (K13). Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kls 9 Hal 90

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 90 [Kunci Jawaban]
Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 90 [Kunci Jawaban]

Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Halaman 90 [Kunci Jawaban]

Observing & Asking Questions Halaman 90

We will do another activity with the conversation. Here we have four situations to be completed by facts that were happening at the same time with the activity stated in the fi rst sentences. We will do the activity like the example.

Here are what we will do. We will work in groups. First, we will study the example carefully. Second, we will discuss and decide the facts from the conversation to be stated to complete the other three situations. Third, every one of us will handwrite the complete situations on a piece of paper. Finally, in our group we will learn to read the four situations to each other.

We will use a dictionary. We will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will go to our teacher for help.

Answer :

1. Dayu went to Udin’s house last Sunday, but she did not meet anybody there. Udin was going to the football practice. His mom and dad were attending a wedding party, and his brother was going out with his friends.

2. Last Sunday, when Beni got to Edo’s house, Edo was in the middle of something. He was doing his Math homework.

3. Last Sunday, Edo’s father got home at !ve. At that time, Edo was still working on his homework.

4. Beni and Udin were actually not late to the football practice last Sunday. When they got to the field, the others were just sitting. They were not playing yet. And, the coach, Mr. Ali, was going to the sports shop to buy a new whistle.